How To Create A Grocery List In Your Notes App That Might, Possibly, Make You Aroused

Nothing in this life is as satisfying as a check mark.

by The Candidly Team

We feel two things about organization “content:”

  1. It speaks to the very deepest corners of our soul.

  2. It doesn’t matter if we implement it or not, it’s still profoundly satisfying.


So when we stumbled upon a video showing us how to make the world’s most satisfyingly efficient shopping list in our existing Notes app, it’s all we’ve been discussing for days. Days!

If you’re with us, here is the video by the ingenious organizer Rilee Smith that will change your life.


She actually has another video that tells you exactly how to pack a suitcase that won’t leave you brimming with regret and extra clothes you have no intention of wearing. It’s good. Really good. Even if you literally never do it yourself, it’s still good.


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